Tag: AirBnB
Rental Programs – Magic Trickery Risk and Reward
People who buy property to let it stand empty either have too much money; didn’t study even a chapter of economics; are possibly money...
Real estate and hotel booking portals converging
There is a perfect storm going on in the digital accommodation distribution space that is set to change the legacy business of booking property...
Thailand primer on renting property and tax
As the shared economy starts to eat into Thailand’s real estate market such as Airbnb and other rental sites, the question for owner’s is...
Airbnb battles New York City
The new ruling by New York State not to allow rental of homes for periods under 30 days has created a ripple effect across...
To Airbnb or not to Airbnb
"Impact has also been felt on the housing and rental markets where the entrepreneurs buy or rent stock suitable for Aibnb-style operations". (Photo: airbnb.com)
Singapore property giant invests into China rental platform
Making waves across Asia last week was news that one of the Lion City’s top property developer’s CDL through a China subsidiary was investing...
Top 5 reasons residential property owners hate Airbnb
Honesty speaking I have an evolving love-hate relationship with Airbnb. While in certain destinations and cities the value proposition is just too attractive to...
Airbnb vs Hotels
The gloves are off and we're into the main fight. First round has definitely gone to the upstart start-up, Airbnb. Airbnb, just in case...
Thai condo hotel investment’s under fire
Skyrocketing growth of non-traditional accommodation has surged across the globe and the movement can best be crystalized by taking a look at the AirBnB...