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Phuket’s private hotels pushing the luxury envelope

One of Asia’s leading resort markets, Greater Phuket has become a hot spot for an emerging selection of private hotels that tip the scale...

Thai property buyers go East to Japan

Global ski resort real estate is finding a second breath in Asia, with Japan’s Niseko leading the way.  Famed American author Horace Greeley is...

Are Singapore or Hong Kong property values dropping the most?

Waking up in Singapore and reading today’s Straits Times that highlighted a new about  which Asian property market, Singapore or Hong Kong is seeing...

Bedroom communities pushing the dream across Asia

Internet porn has been the downfall of phone sex. I’m not a big fan of pillow talk. Once you turn off the lights my...

Nuclear shelters. Panic rooms. Chiang Mai real estate explores the Gods of Niche

While Doomsday Preppers have been busying themselves mostly in the West, it appears the trend is turning East into Asia.  A new luxury estate...

Phuket expressway to create altered state for cross-island travel

A plan to create a twelve lane expressway between Phuket International Airport and the Koh Kaew area has been confirmed by the provincial governor. The...

Phuket property buyers head over the bridge

While Phuket is clearly an island, one of its strong unique selling points is the access to the mainland over the Sarasin Bridge. In...

Can Patong keep pace as Phuket urbanizes?   

Love it or hate it, there is no denying that for much of the world Patong is the storefront of Phuket’s tourism industry.  Doing...

China’s real estate bubble man meets Blue Oyster Cult

It’s a Thursday and the rain is pelting down on my office roof like bongo mad geckos run amok. Off in the distance I...

Real estate and hotel booking portals converging

There is a perfect storm going on in the digital accommodation distribution space that is set to change the legacy business of booking property...

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